
Drugs Demand Reduction

Capacity building to facilitate the use of the DDR programmes planning tool "One Step@ATime"

Drugs Demand Reduction

Capacity building to facilitate the use of the DDR programmes planning tool

Once the platform is on-line, and in order to promote its wide use in the interested countries, three face-to face training courses for the programme planners in DDR are foreseen. The experts in charge of the contents development of the system will set up a training course addressed to decision makers and professionals in charge of developing local and/or regional departmental programmes.

Access to OneStep@Atime

Development of the activity

  • Workshop Planning System: Step@aTime, for countries of South Cone and Andean region

    30/07/19 - 31/07/19

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

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  • Workshop Planning System: Step@aTime, for Caribbean countries

    15/10/19 - 16/10/19

    Nassau, The Bahamas

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  • Workshop Planning System: Step@aTime, for Meso-American and Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries

    25/11/19 - 26/11/19

    Panama city, Panama

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Operative Dimension

C2 - Drugs Demand Reduction
Execution Level

The experts in charge of the contents development of the system will set up training courses addressed to decision makers and professionals in charge of developing local and/or regional departmental programmes. Together with getting the foreseen training on the use of the virtual tool, participants will –at the same time- be testing the prototype and providing suggestions for its future improvement.

Three face-to face training courses will be provided to selected experts of interested CELAC countries. The courses will be held according to the following territorial distribution:

  • Southern Cone and Andean countries.
  • Meso-American countries.
  • The Caribbean countries.

Associated operational objectives

0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
0.2 - Have adequate baseline information to: provide specificity to the contents and the actions planned in each component; meet initial expectations of each partner in relation to its participation in COPOLAD; and facilitate the programme evaluation.
2.1 - Assess existing needs in DDR, to define specific final contents of foreseen activities under Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries.
2.6 - Maintain a project-supported initiative, which ensures the availability of planning and evaluation tools, in a way that becomes self-sustaining beyond the duration of the programme.


Result/s & output/s: 

  • Contents of the courses completed and available for implementing the training sessions.  
  • The three face to face courses held in the stated regions
  • The prototype tool validated


Developed and maintained a project-supported initiative, which ensures the availability of planning and evaluation tools, included in Paso@Paso (Step by Step), in a way that becomes self-sustaining beyond the duration of the programme. Including: 1) Development of the functionality: final design of the electronic architecture, validation and monitoring of functions; 2) Implementation and validation of the operating system; 3) 3 face-to face courses.

Development of the activity

  • Workshop Planning System: Step@aTime, for countries of South Cone and Andean region

    30/07/19 - 31/07/19

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

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  • Workshop Planning System: Step@aTime, for Caribbean countries

    15/10/19 - 16/10/19

    Nassau, The Bahamas

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  • Workshop Planning System: Step@aTime, for Meso-American and Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries

    25/11/19 - 26/11/19

    Panama city, Panama

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Related activities

  • 2.6 - Promotion and implementation of support resources for planning and evaluating DDR programmes