Directory of Centres and Services


  1. Information
  2. Contact Data
  3. Institution
  4. Intervention framework
  5. Human resources
  6. Budget
  7. Assessment / evaluation

Project COPOLAD, Component 3.5.1

Form for collecting data for the directory of Centres and Services on Drugs Demand Reduction

Centre / Service identification

You may next find a questionnaire for data introduction to the centres and services directories of Latin-American and Caribe. We estimate of great importance to count with your participation and thank in advance you fill out the form that will take 7- to 10 minutes approximately.

Once data is sent our team will check the information in the shortest time possible and it will become public in the directory. Remember questions marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

Thank you!

If you have already registered the center, enter your email here to receive the follow-up link