Directory of Centres and Services


Sembrando Esperanza Ips

Calle 13 # 58-63 | Cali | Valle del Cauca| Colombia


Contact Data


+57 3185325481<br />Fax: +57 2 3963463

Business hours

Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am a 6:00 pm dias sabados con previa cita


Type of organisation
Organización no gubernamental
Year of foundation
Institutional presentation
Centro de atención a la drogadicción
Direct beneficiaries
  • Usuarios experimentales de drogas
  • Usuarios de drogas en general
  • Ex consumidores de drogas
  • Otros (alcoholismo - ludopatia - comportamientos inadecuados)
Target population activities
  • Adolescentes / Jóvenes (13 a 17 años)
  • Adultos
  • Familia / Padres
Objective of the centre/ services
Abordar integral y objetivamente el problema de adicción en sus distintas fases, realizando prevención e intervención generando estrategias viables para su recuperación y reinserción social
National coverage
Valle del Caucaprincipalmente Nacional (tenemos usuarios) Internacional (los hemos tenido)

Intervention framework

Intervention types
  • Prevención
  • Tratamiento
Intervention framework for Prevención
  • Familia
  • Lugar de trabajo
  • Escuela / Educación primaria
  • Escuela / Educación secundaria
  • Universidad / Estudios terciarios
  • Comunidad
  • Eventos públicos
Intervention framework for Tratamiento
  • Internación
  • Paciente externo / diurno / ambulatorio
Description of the main activities
Se compone de Diario Vivir que contiene terapias grupales, individuales de los profesionales de pedgogia reeducativa, psicologia, terapia ocupacional, educadores terapeutas, capacitacion educacion superior, atencion al grupo familiar, deporte dirigido, supervision mensual de nutricionista.

The European Commission (EC), the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy (FIIAPP), and specifically, the COPOLAD Coordination and Execution Body (ECB-COPOLAD) are not responsible in any way for the content or data collected in the Directory of Centers and Services of COPOLAD. In all cases, the information provided has been screened by the Agency responsible for drugs policies in each country. The referenced data of the Centers and Services are the sole responsibility of the institutions that provide them and, therefore, their insertion in such Directory does not reflect in any case the supporting of their positions or processes developed by each Center or Service. Likewise, these Centers or Services are not financed in any case by the COPOLAD Programme or the European Commission.