Contact Data
876-926-9003<br />Fax: 876-960-1820
Business hours
8:30 - 5 Pm Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 4 Pm Friday
- Type of organisation
- Gubernamental/Pública - Nacional
- Year of foundation
- 1983
- Institutional presentation
- Vision - We strive relentlessly for a "DRUG FREE JAMAICA" in which the abuse of licit substances is eliminated and there is a reduction in the demand, supply, use and abuse of illicit substances. MISSION We exist to provide quality, reliable information, to policy makers, international partners and the general public, about substance use and abuse in Jamaica: its nature, the extent, prevention, treatment, control and underlying problems that negatively impact on nation building. We are dedicated to strengthening protective factors against substance abuse, in collaboration with diverse local and international organizations, through the implementation of treatment and prevention programmes. We aim to provide a supportive environment for employees and stakeholders that build commitment and competency.
- Direct beneficiaries
- No consumen drogas
- Usuarios experimentales de drogas
- Usuarios de drogas en general
- Consumidores problemáticos de drogas
- Ex consumidores de drogas
- Grupos motivacionales (donde hay consumidores y no consumidores)
- Mujeres con uso problemático de sustancias
- Mujeres con hijos a cargo
- Personas sin hogar
- Personas diagnosticadas de patología dual
- Personas con VIH/SIDA
- Minorías étnicas
- Grupos específicos –mujeres consumidoras de crack, trabajadoras sexuales, personas que inhalan solventes, jóvenes que dejan el sistema educativo…
- Target population activities
- Otros (communities ) ()
- Objective of the centre/ services
- The National Council on Drug Abuse (NCDA) exists together data on the drug situation in Jamaica, that will inform policy makers, stakeholders and the general population whilst guiding evidence based prevention and treatment interventions aimed at reducing the misuse of drugs and delaying the age of initiation
- National coverage
- NCDA is the national response to inform, prevent and offer substance abuse counselling to the general population. There has been an intentional thrust to train peer educators influence rs, teachers and communities leaders to impact their sphere of influence in drug prevention aimed at empowering individuals and communities to make informed decisions thus delaying drug use and reducing misuse. Additional project counselors have been contracted to engage the vulnerable population (to include homeless drug user, men who have sex with men, transgender female and commercial sex workers as part of the National HIV response in drug counselling
Intervention framework
- Intervention types
- Prevención
- Tratamiento
- Reducción de Riesgos
- Reducción de Daños
- Intervention framework for Prevención
- Escuela / Educación primaria
- Escuela / Educación secundaria
- Comunidad
- Eventos públicos
- Familia
- Lugar de trabajo
- Intervention framework for Tratamiento
- Otro (in school counselling )
- Grupos de autoayuda
- Paciente externo / diurno / ambulatorio
- Intervention framework for Reducción de Riesgos
- Intervenciones de prevención y educación en salud
- Intervenciones en eventos masivos y públicos (zona de hidratación, descanso, información)
- Testeo de sustancias
- Distribución de preservativos e información en VIH y otras ITS
- Programas de base comunitaria (trabajo de redes y territorio, inclusión social)
- Programas de acercamiento a calle (brigadas, trabajo de pares, educación en salud extramural)
- Intervenciones desde salud pública (Cribado VIH, intervenciones desde atención primaria…)
- Intervention framework for Reducción de Daños
- Psicoterapia de reducción de daños (integración de los principios al tratamiento)
- Programas de base comunitaria (trabajo de redes y territorio, inclusión social)
- Programas de acercamiento a calle (brigadas, trabajo de pares, educación en salud extramural)
- Servicios de asistencia básica (duchas, alimentación, lavandería, etc)
- Activities
- Difusión
- Educación para la salud
- Formación
- Información
- Intervención socio-educativa familiar
- Intervención socio-educativa individual
- Orientación
- Reparto de material
- Sensibilización
- Trabajo de calle
- Otros (drug counselling )
- Intervención temprana
- Intervención en calle
- Atención telefónica
- Reinserción-reintegración social, alojamiento temporal
- Description of the main activities
The European Commission (EC), the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy (FIIAPP), and specifically, the COPOLAD Coordination and Execution Body (ECB-COPOLAD) are not responsible in any way for the content or data collected in the Directory of Centers and Services of COPOLAD. In all cases, the information provided has been screened by the Agency responsible for drugs policies in each country. The referenced data of the Centers and Services are the sole responsibility of the institutions that provide them and, therefore, their insertion in such Directory does not reflect in any case the supporting of their positions or processes developed by each Center or Service. Likewise, these Centers or Services are not financed in any case by the COPOLAD Programme or the European Commission.