The objective of the third COPOLAD Intra-Regional Dialogue Forum, taking place on 27 February and 1 March 2018, in Lima, Peru, is to conclude the different work streams under the framework of the sub-component of Alternative Development (AD). Specifically, the objective is to provide opportunities to learn and exchange about recent best practices and innovations of alternative development (AD) regarding inclusive and sustainable value chain development, and considering their value and use for recently establishing, broader development initiatives in the context of drug policy in the region.
The methodology of the Forum is based on interactive facilitation methods to generate exchange and debate among the people involved. The Forum counted with conceptual presentations and relating to countries experiences in value chains, development of institutional capacities for AD and on follow-up and monitoring systems. The working groups allowed to deepen the analysis and exchange on specific topics with the support of moderators and rapporteurs. The generating questions and the visualization of the results facilitated equitable and active participation, the concretion of ideas, in addition to the search for common points for the plenary presentations. The display of group sessions helped in capturing all the debates and the documentation of results.
The creation of open spaces for debate and the producers' fair brought a greater rapprochement between the delegations, encouraging dialogue. The methodology, as a whole, has allowed people's views and perceptions to feed, expand and deepen in the interaction. In all sessions, both plenary and group, there was simultaneous professional English-Spanish translation, facilitating the communication and permanent exchange among all participants.
3.1 - Deliver a demand-driven capacity building strategy on Alternative Development (AD), build upon the needs identified during C1, facilitating intra-regional exchange of best practices and mutual learning, enlarging its coverage to new interested countries.
3.2 - Enhance the sustainability of AD strategies by fostering direct contact among the different actors involved in this field.
3.3 - Improve evidence in AD to enlarge the basis for implementing effective and sustainable programmes, by using tools and methods developed in the framework of C1.
3.4 - Deliver a demand-driven capacity building strategy and exchange of best practices in the field of DSR, including key issues such as alternatives to prison, money laundering and cocaine trafficking routes, which can complement and increase the coverage of other projects supported by the EU and other multilateral Agencies.
An assessment was performed of the activities carried out that have allowed to achieve exchanges on policies, the functioning and the practice of AD, that have helped to empower the producers participating in the forums, that have contributed to position AD in national agendas, in inter-institutional coordination and bilateral agendas. In some countries, the activities carried out by COPOLAD have led to the implementation of good practices and the incorporation of new concepts and methods in the design of policies, programmes and projects. All countries identified and prioritized topics for future exchanges and learning processes.
The result of this exercise was very enriching with contributions and appreciations showing that COPOLAD has generated multiple contributions to learning and exchange, has contributed to the generation of knowledge and has broadened the perspectives by incorporating a broad spectrum of actors and countries. It has helped to design way these AD policies in a more effective, giving supporting to their better implementation and also promoting the creation and reinforcement of AD offices/directorates in new countries interested in the issue. In addition, spaces for dialogue and understanding between countries have been created, promoting South-South cooperation among them, thus serving as a tool to enhance bilateral relations in this area.
The relevance of the themes and experiences is evidenced in the participants' assessments. They emphasize that it was possible to understand topics of shared interest, new networks of shares interests were created, a contribution was made to the integration and empowering of producers, generating capacities and knowledge for learning to live a south-south cooperation experience, as mentioned above.
In addition, its applicability extends to different fields. The experience of the forums and the training has contributed to strengthen links between governments and communities as well as civil society in participating countries, to decision making on the basis of the understanding of the concepts and principles of AD, to create thematic boards and to incorporate new methodologies such as ValueLinks. The results are widely socialized, with a great ownership on the part of the countries, and contribute to the planning and the decision-making. All this means that the exchange and learning approach has been very well taken advantage of and inspires activities within and among the participating countries. In fact, all countries agreed on the need to continue this type of COPOLAD activities in the future.
At least 2 dialogue forums held for intra-regional exchange of best practices and mutual learning. Delivered by a demand-driven strategy of Alternative development (AD), based upon the needs identified during C1.
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Lima, 27 February 2018. From 27 February to 1 March, Lima hosts the "3rd Intra-Regional Dialogue Forum on Alternative Development" of the Programme for Cooperation between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union on Drugs Policies (COPOLAD), programme financed by the European Union and managed by the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), which aims to promote the exchange of experiences, identify lessons learned and work together on new approaches in the field of alternative and comprehensive development with representatives of public entities and local organizations of the countries participating in the Programme.
Within the framework of COPOLAD, the forum is led by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Republic of Peru through the National Commission for Development and Life Without Drugs (DEVIDA). The welcoming speeches are given by the Executive President of DEVIDA, Dr Carmen Masías Claux, and the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Peru, Ambassador Diego Mellado, accompanied by Klaas Grimmelmann on behalf of GIZ and Teresa Salvador-Llivina, Director of COPOLAD.
The forum gathers representatives of international institutions as the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), representatives of UNODC Peru and seven governmental institutions from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, as well as representatives of producer organizations and associations as well as the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC).
This "3rd Intra-Regional Dialogue Forum on Alternative Development” is the follow-up of the first Forum held in Bogotá (Colombia) in December 2016 and the second Forum held in Santa Cruz and Trópico de Cochabamba (Bolivia) in November 2017, aimed at the integration of Alternative Development in the national policies.
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The 3rd COPOLAD Intra-Regional Dialogue Forum, taking place on 27 February and 1 March 2018, in Lima, Peru, conclude the different work streams under the framework of the sub-component of Alternative Development (AD), among them, to provide opportunities to learn and exchange about recent best practices and innovations of alternative development (AD).
Virtual Meeting