On its third edition, the Annual Conference addresses the progress and challenges in the implementation of the gender approach and the empowerment of women as a cross-cutting component.
Cultural and social definitions of what it means to be a man and a woman are behind gender inequalities, and in practice, pose great challenges to policies which have to go beyond the development of isolated activities tailored to women. During the Conference, it was clearly exemplified how, gradually, the incorporation of the gender approach is beginning to appear in the National Drug Strategies and Plans launched by the CELAC countries. and the conference aimed to reinforce this trend
0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
0.2 - Have adequate baseline information to: provide specificity to the contents and the actions planned in each component; meet initial expectations of each partner in relation to its participation in COPOLAD; and facilitate the programme evaluation.
0.3 - Ensure visibility of COPOLAD and its activities and disseminate the contents in the main political and professional forums in the field of drug policies to be held both internationally and in CELAC.
0.4 - Establish the necessary institutional contacts to avoid duplication with already developed initiatives and ensure synergies with ongoing initiatives, both within the EU and CELAC.
0.5 - Evaluate COPOLAD along the duration of the project.
4.1 - Increase the number of opportunities devoted to strengthening the impact of the bi-regional dialogue EU-CELAC on drug policy, in the framework of the Mechanism.
4.2 - Highlight, in the framework of the Mechanism, the role of the NAs and the NDOs in designing, implementing and monitoring public policies capable of offering new and effective responses to the different challenges and problems related to drugs.
4.6 - Contribute to increase the visibility of the works and efforts achieved in the framework of the EU-CELAC Mechanism.
The relevance and timeliness of the topic discussed could be seen through the presence of more than a hundred high-level representatives of the institutions responsible for drug policy in 40 countries of the CELAC and the EU, as well as representatives of multilateral institutions and bi-regional networks participating in COPOLAD. Some of the leading international and European organizations of reference in the incorporation of the gender perspective were present, such as the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, CICAD of the Organization of American States, PAHO of the World Health Organization, CARICOM, UNODC, UN Women and its Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) programme, as well as the bi-regional networks AIAMP, IDPC and RIOD.
Increased the number of opportunities devoted to strengthening the impact of the bi-regional dialogue EU-CELAC on drug policy in the framework of the Mechanism
Maintained continuous, internal and external, coordination efforts with the relevant actors and other ongoing actions in the field covered by this component.
Increased the external visibility of the achievements of the Mechanism, through release and dissemination of information about activities undertaken and results achieved in relation to bi-regional dialogue regarding drugs policy. (including newsletter/ virtual networks and materials, face-to-face and virtual regional/international meetings, etc.).
Organized at least 4 COPOLAD annual Conferences, back to back of the annual HLM of the EU-CELAC Mechanism. As well as among other activities: Financial and logistic support to all meetings of the Steering Committee of C2
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Sofia, 19 June 2018. The International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP) along with the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs (DGPNSD) organise n Sofia (Bulgaria) the 3rd COPOLAD II Annual Conference: "Women and drugs policy: Progress and challenges in the implementation of the gender approach and the empowerment of women as a cross-cutting matter".
This Conference provides a framework for appropriate dialogue, giving the opportunity to drugs policymakers in the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to exchange information, as well as to agree on cooperation actions between the countries of both regions, and between them and the multilateral organizations operating in them.
The opening session is chaired by Mrs. Aneliya Ivancheva, from the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria in Brussels and Mrs. Danielle Veira, Director of National Security of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic of Suriname, on behalf of the EU and the CELAC, respectively, as representatives of the countries that share the presidency of the CELAC-EU Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism on Drugs. The session is opened by Celine Ruiz, on behalf of the European Commission, Sofia Aragón, from the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs (DGPNSD), representing Spain as a leading country in charge of implementing the COPOLAD Programme, and Germán García da Rosa on behalf of FIIAPP, the Spanish Cooperation Entity managing the programme.
International cooperation for the inclusion of gender issues in public drugs policy.
For two days participating delegations will explore the consideration of the gender perspective and the empowerment of women as an indispensable element in the design and implementation of public policies, what continues to be a challenge in terms of response, in practice and cross-cuttingly, also in the field of drugs.
Some of the major international and European reference organizations in gender issues, such as UN Women and its programme Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE), next to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the European Council, the European Commission, CICAD of the Organization of American States, PAHO of the World Health Organization, CARICOM, as well as bi-regional networks AIAMP, IDPC and RIOD, are participating in exploring the best way to move forward in this priority theme for the Global Development Agenda. The CELAC countries have responded massively to this call, this way all beneficiary countries of the programme in the region will be present this time.
Broadening the look towards women as a social justice measure
Cultural and social definitions of what it means to be male and female are behind much of gender inequalities, and the practical consideration of these differences is still a great challenge to address, in a comprehensive way, with equity policies that allow going beyond the development of isolated activities of attention to the women in high vulnerability situations.
A promising aspect is that new National Drug Strategies and Plans published in the CELAC countries are beginning to incorporate the gender approach, promising examples of these developments will be presented at this conference.
COPOLAD Annual Conference
In its third edition, the COPOLAD II Annual Conference underscores the consideration of the gender perspective and women's empowerment as an essential element, specifically when it comes to providing economically sustainable and socially just solutions in the area of drugs policy.
The Celebration of the Annual Conferences of the COPOLAD programme involves a unique annual occasion for drug policy officials of governments of CELAC and EU countries to be able to jointly explore lines of action in a framework of bi-regional cooperation.
The 3rd COPOLAD II Annual Conference is being held in Sofia (Bulgaria) from 19 to 20 June 2018.
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