This activity focuses on the pilot implementation of the quality and evidence-based criteria (basic and advanced), subscribed by all countries, NGOs’ networks (RIOD and the IDPC) and multilateral agencies (PAHO, EMCDDA, and CICAD), participating in the consensus process and agreements reached during C1. The validation exercise in C2 aims at facilitating the endorsement of the agreed criteria within the public DDR policy of CELAC countries to ensure the onset of effective services in the fields of prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and rehabilitation. Services will be based on the principles of human rights, public health, and gender considerations.
COPOLAD’s quality standards system is organized according to the intervention scope, levels of demand and the nature of the standard. The complete system is made up off a total of 174 criteria; 25 common to all DDR programs, 52 for prevention criteria, 5 specific for risks reduction, 53 for treatment, 5 for harm reduction and 34 for social integration. When distinguishing by levels of demand a maximum of 124 criteria may be applied to the basic level, and the complete set of 174 criteria for the advanced level.
27/11/19 - 28/11/19
Panama City, Panama
2.2 - Facilitate the validation and endorsement of quality criteria agreed during C1, for programmes implemented in: prevention; treatment, harm reduction; and social (re)integration/ rehabilitation.
2.3 - Validate innovative programmes for populations at risk, paying special attention to women at risk of social exclusion and teens threatened by contexts of extreme poverty and/or violence.
Created at least: 2Task Forces (TFs), 4 Working Groups (WGs) and a Focal Points network, for Component 2 including clear definition of models, methods and tasks for each one
WGs created have assessed existing needs in DDR, to allow the definition of specific final contents for activities in Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries
Validated –using a pilot implementation approach-, the quality criteria agreed during COPOLAD I, for programmes implemented in at least 2 areas of DDR
Endorsed the quality criteria agreed during C1 for DDR programmes and validated in COPOLAD II, in at least, 30% of participating CELAC countries
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