Creation of Working Groups of countries to organize the activities within Component 1, using the findings of the mapping of the situation on NDOs in relation to the existence -or not- of a well-established NDO with a competent and stable professional and information system implemented by the focal Point.
As initially expected, the findings of the study described above have been the basis for setting-up the Working Groups (WGs) during the first year of the programme, according to the need identified through the study and the direct input provided by all countries participating at the 1st Annual COPOLAD II Meeting of National Dugs Observatories (5-9 December, 2016, Kingston, Jamaica) (act. 1.8.1.).
Both inputs facilitated shaping the final contents and methodological plan for each WG, in a cooperative process also participated by the ECB, the EMCDDA and the OID-OAS, as well as the Task Force coordinator for Component 1.
In this framework, four WGs were created, with sub-groups organized by working languages: English and Spanish. During the second year, each WG has develop its tasks according to the lines of work described below for activities 1.3., 1.4., 1.5. and 1.6.
1.1 - Study and assess changes from C1 on the existing needs, to define specific final contents of foreseen activities under Component 1; adjusting them to different groups of countries, in order to establish and/or reinforce the role of National Drugs Observatories in CELAC countries
1.2 - Promote the establishment of sustainable information-sharing agreements between NAs, NDOs and other stakeholders in CELAC countries, which can provide key information to assess threats and deal effectively with the new psychoactive drugs.
1.3 - Test, develop or update evaluation and monitoring tools, processes and tasks, necessary to deepen the knowledge of the drugs situation in CELAC countries with well-established NDOs.
1.4 - Implement a sustainable bi-regional cooperation capacity building strategy focused on enhancing the reporting capacity of NDOs being in an early stage of development.
1.5 - Implement a cooperation capacity building strategy in key areas identified, with special focus on the assessment of rising trends of problematic use of specific drugs.
1.6 - Continue to develop training opportunities focused in building capacities for strategic planning and the use of monitoring methods and tools, which can be mutually complementary.
Working Groups were set up to organize the activities of Component 1, taking into account the results of the study conducted in activity 1.1 and the preferences that countries submitted to the Conference of Jamaica (activity 1.8.1)
As initially expected, the findings of the study described above have been the basis for setting-up the Working Groups (WGs) during the first year of the programme, according to the need identified through the study and the direct input provided by all countries participating at the 1st Annual COPOLAD II Meeting of National Dugs Observatories (5-9 December, 2016, Kingston, Jamaica) (act. 1.8.1.).
Both inputs facilitated shaping the final contents and methodological plan for each WG, in a cooperative process also participated by the ECB, the EMCDDA and the OID-OAS, as well as the Task Force coordinator for Component 1.
In this framework, four WGs were created, with sub-groups organized by working languages: English and Spanish. During the rest of the programme, each WG has develop its tasks according to the lines of work described below for activities 1.3., 1.4., 1.5. and 1.6.
The percentage of CELAC countries having a NDO, has increased, at least a 50% (from baseline situation).