OneStep@aTime is an interactive online support system for the planning and evaluation of drug demand reduction interventions. It has been prepared to help plan and evaluate preventive interventions, risk reduction and damage, treatment and social inclusion related to abuse and drug dependence.
Frequently, when designing an intervention, there are doubts of the type: where to start? what to do to improve a problem that has been detected related to drugs? the actions we do will serve to change this reality? Where can we locate the information we need to design the project? Are we doing it right? etc. OneStep@aTime is a tool to help find answers to these doubts and mitigate the loneliness that can sometimes be felt when designing an intervention to reduce the demand for drugs.
OneStep@aTime responds to the need to have an instrument that homogenizes contents, methodologies and practices in the field of planning interventions to reduce the demand for drugs. In this sense, it is not a manual but a guide that divides the planning process into seven sequential and complementary phases where the information is detailed: the process to be followed, the links of interest and the necessary tools to prepare a project or an intervention. In short, it offers an informative and work space for its planning.
During C1, the contents of a tool to support programme planning and evaluation was developed. This tool is intended to be a user-friendly and useful instrument for guiding and facilitating the work of professionals and civil servants responsible of planning, implementing and evaluating DDR programmes.
During the first year of COPOLAD II, the exploration and definition of the necessary technical requirements was completed, along with the development of the new webpage of COPOLAD II (; together with the drafting of the terms of reference for this specialized task, as well as the publication and resolution of a public call for tenders.
During the 2nd year, the institution which was selected by the call, developed the electronic architecture and on-line platform to support the programme. This institution will also implement the face-to-face training with selected experts by interested countries.
0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
0.2 - Have adequate baseline information to: provide specificity to the contents and the actions planned in each component; meet initial expectations of each partner in relation to its participation in COPOLAD; and facilitate the programme evaluation.
2.1 - Assess existing needs in DDR, to define specific final contents of foreseen activities under Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries.
2.6 - Maintain a project-supported initiative, which ensures the availability of planning and evaluation tools, in a way that becomes self-sustaining beyond the duration of the programme.
Developed and maintained a project-supported initiative, which ensures the availability of planning and evaluation tools, included in Paso@Paso (Step by Step), in a way that becomes self-sustaining beyond the duration of the programme. Including: 1) Development of the functionality: final design of the electronic architecture, validation and monitoring of functions; 2) Implementation and validation of the operating system; 3) 3 face-to face courses.