
Drugs Supply Reduction

Improving evidence in the field of AD

Drugs Supply Reduction

Improving evidence in the field of AD

In many countries, data on illicit crop cultivation, socio-economic data on farmers and their motivations to get involved in it are weak. Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean countries lack a sound data basis on the extent and causal relationships underlying this problem and the livelihood systems of farmers. However, without knowing why farmers grow illicit crops and to what extent, the design of appropriate AD interventions is not possible. In C1 (2012), the tool Livelihood analysis in illicit crop cultivation areas was developed and piloted in the Peruvian Valley VRAE, by DEVIDA-Peru and GIZ. This methodology allows for the collection of household level data in illicit crop growing areas and can provide empirical data for sound AD interventions. The pilot study in VRAE laid the basis for the future interventions of the Peruvian government.

In C2, an in-depth livelihood study, based on the methodology developed during C1, will research the local socio-economic conditions in one pilot country. This activity will add to the evidence-based DSR, which is also a main objective of the EU’s drugs strategy. The methodology will be further disseminated within COPOLAD participant countries. 

Development of the activity

  • Study on successful factors strengthening the institutional capacities in Alternative Development. Case Study: Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru


    Lima, Peru

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Operative Dimension

C3 - Drugs Supply Reduction
Execution Level

Study to assess institutional capacities in the field of AD in 3 CELAC countries: Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru, taking Peru as a reference country, since it has been developing an AD policy for several decades. The Study, based on interviews and field visits to these 3 counties, focuses on successful factors strengthening the institutional capacities in Alternative Development:

  • Peru with focus on illicit crops, mainly coca. A visit was made in July 2017 in which 18 institutions were interviewed at the national, regional, local level of the public, private, research, non-governmental and international cooperation sectors.
  • Paraguay with focus on illicit crops mostly of marijuana. A visit was made in August 2017 in which 11 institutions were interviewed at the national level from the public, private, academic, non-governmental and international cooperation sectors.
  • Guatemala with focus on illicit crops mostly of poppy and marijuana. A visit was made in September 2017 in which 13 national institutions from the public, private, academic, non-governmental and international cooperation sectors were interviewed.


The purpose of the study will be to put in common those organizational and institutional lessons learned, having the case of Peru, as a more advanced country in the implementation of the AD, and the case of Paraguay and Guatemala, that are introducing the AD approach in their countries

Associated operational objectives

0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
0.2 - Have adequate baseline information to: provide specificity to the contents and the actions planned in each component; meet initial expectations of each partner in relation to its participation in COPOLAD; and facilitate the programme evaluation.
0.3 - Ensure visibility of COPOLAD and its activities and disseminate the contents in the main political and professional forums in the field of drug policies to be held both internationally and in CELAC.
3.3 - Improve evidence in AD to enlarge the basis for implementing effective and sustainable programmes, by using tools and methods developed in the framework of C1.


Completed a pilot study on livelihood conditions to promote long-term implementation of AD programmes in interested countries. Improved the evidence base of AD by using instruments and methods developed in C1.


GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Germany


Institution Website
SECCATID - Executive Secretariat for the Commission Against Addictions and Illicit Drug Trafficking Guatemala


Institution Website