
Drugs Supply Reduction

Sustainable capacity building and exchange of best practices in the field of prevention and control of chemical precursors' diversion for the production of illicit drugs

Drugs Supply Reduction

Sustainable capacity building and exchange of best practices in the field of prevention and control of chemical precursors' diversion for the production of illicit drugs

The EU Drugs Strategy (2013-20), incorporates among other major challenges, the need to avoid the diversion of chemical precursors, pre-precursors and other essential chemical products -used in drugs manufacture- that are being diverted from the licit trade to the illegal market. The purpose of these activities is to decrease the distribution and sale of precursors and other essential chemical products used in manufacturing illicit drugs, in line with article 12 of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, adopted in Vienna on 19 December 1988.

The diversion of precursors poses a threat to the illicit manufacturing of drugs, characterized by a great adaptability of criminal organizations, which employ a wide variety of modus operandi and alternative substances, not classified, in order to avoid control and tax mechanism. This requires that all actors involved in the prevention and fight against this illegal activity carry out a comprehensive strategic approach and maximize cooperation and information exchange, at national, regional and bi-regional levels.

Within this framework, COPOLAD activities on chemical precursors control are important due to the need of responding urgently to this problem, through an effective cooperation between countries, to achieve an effective control on the growing challenges posed by the illicit production of drugs.

In the first phase of COPOLAD, the exchange of information in this field was promoted, as well as the exchange of intelligence and best practices between anti-narcotic police units, National Drug Agencies and Public Prosecutors Offices, with the active participation of the European Commission. In this new phase of the programme, it is intended to continue supporting CELAC countries to formulate and implement policies and efficient programmes to face the growing challenges posed by the illicit production of drugs. 

In order to achieve its objectives, COPOLAD will work in the following actions:

- COPOLAD Annual Week on Precursors

- The creation of Working Groups to support CELAC countries in those areas identified by them as essential in this field

- Creation of an online Forum in the COPOLAD website dedicated to precursors, containing all the information and documents of interest for countries, as well as providing the posibility for the delegates in charge of these issues at the national level to be in direct contact and to exhange information through the Forum

Development of the activity

  • 1st Annual Week on Precursors

    08/11/16 - 11/11/16

    Barcelona, Spain

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  • 2nd Annual Week on Precursors

    28/11/17 - 01/12/17

    Brasilia, Brazil

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  • 3rd Annual Week on Precursors

    12/11/18 - 15/11/18

    Lisbon, Portugal

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  • 4th Annual Week on Precursors

    15/10/19 - 18/10/19

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Operative Dimension

C3 - Drugs Supply Reduction
Execution Level
Activity Types
Associated operational objectives

3.5 - Enhance information and intelligence-sharing initiatives by fostering direct contact between the different actors involved in this field (e.g. law enforcement authorities, specialized public prosecutors, etc.).
3.6 - Enhance capacity-building and exchange of best practices for preventing the diversion of chemical precursors for illicit drugs manufacturing, in line with existing bilateral agreements.
3.7 - Contribute to improving the response of the CELAC countries to the control of precursors used in the manufacture of illicit drugs, as well as to the legislation in force, through the production of a series of technical documents adapted to the regional situation and to strengthen and / or train experts in precursor control and legislation at national and regional levels.


Held 4 Joint Follow-up Group meetings/workshops & field visits for preventing the diversion of chemical precursors for illicit manufacture of drugs. Organized in close cooperation with DG TAXUD and OLAF, to enhance capacity building and exchange of best practices, in line with existing bi-lateral agreements.
Developed a maintained/sustainable/demand-driven peer-to-peer assistance exercise, to promote the implementation of national information systems for effective control and monitoring of precursors; e.g. using the model SISALEM and/or other initiatives in this field.
At least the number of CELAC countries that have established a sustainable information system for effective control and monitoring of precursors, has increased by a 20 % (from baseline situation).
Developed a maintained the promotion of information about online available tools among CELAC countries, in particular: a) The E-learning training courses developed by DG TAXUD; and b) Opening in the e-room of COPOLAD a forum on precursors.