At the first High Level Meeting of the EU-CELAC Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism on drugs, held on the 16th and 17th June 2016 in The Hague, several countries requested COPOLAD to work on a report in order to review how a gender approach focusing on the empowerment on women, could be introduced in all areas of drug related policies, as well as other evidence-based aspects to be considered in policy-making.
The purpose of the report is to present in a solid and updated way - considering the situation and the available evidence - how to mainstream, comprehensively, the gender perspective in all areas that make up drug policies (prevention, treatment, harm reduction, rehabilitation, social and work insertion, etc.), as well as to supply control (judicial and penal system, money laundering, alternative development and illicit crops, etc.), not to mention the relevant supranational and international cooperation fields. In summary, the report would respond to the question: What is the cross-cutting consideration of the gender and empowerment of women in drug policies?
COPOLAD is working on this report and hopes it will be of great use and interest for countries.
0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
0.3 - Ensure visibility of COPOLAD and its activities and disseminate the contents in the main political and professional forums in the field of drug policies to be held both internationally and in CELAC.
0.4 - Establish the necessary institutional contacts to avoid duplication with already developed initiatives and ensure synergies with ongoing initiatives, both within the EU and CELAC.
4.4 - Provide, if requested by the Mechanism, technical insights in key issues and technical aspects and concepts.
4.6 - Contribute to increase the visibility of the works and efforts achieved in the framework of the EU-CELAC Mechanism.
Provided insights in key issues and technical aspects and concepts: elaboration of at least one technical report (review of the "state of the art") in relevant thematic areas for policy-making, if requested by the Mechanism.