This course is entirely funded by the European Commission, within the framework of the Cooperation Programme between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union on Drugs Policies (COPOLAD).
In this framework, in order to insure that the profesionals from each country who are going to benefit from the scholarships meet the participant profile defined by the Directive Board, the Programme counts on the collaboration of the Agency responsible for drugs policies in each beneficiary country in Latin America, to select students.
Description: This course focuses on strengthening the competencies of the National Agencies responsible for drug policies to facilitate the adoption of the Public Health approach. Policies whose formulation takes into account criteria of evidence and efficiency, timely technical evaluation, criteria of equity, respect for the health and human rights, community participation and a gender vision.
Addressed to: Professionals from the public sector responsible for the National Drug Agencies, drug policy planners and responsible for the elaboration of these Drug Policies.
2.5 - Expand the sustainable capacity-building approach initiated in C1, by broadening its coverage, as well as the number of subjects addressed.
Expanded the sustainable capacity building approach initiated in COPOLAD I, by: a) reviewed and up-dated 2 courses developed in COPOLAD I; b) developed 2 new on-line courses; c) enlarged coverage, at least by 50% (from baseline situation achieved in COPOLAD I), through the implementation of both, international and national editions of each course
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On line
25/02/19 - 29/08/19
25/03/19 - 29/08/19
25/05/19 - 29/11/19
25/06/19 - 29/11/19
01/07/20 - 12/12/20