Directory of Centres and Services


Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat

High Street | Castries | Castries | St. Lucia


Contact Data


17584530038<br />Fax: 17584531205

Business hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm


Type of organisation
Institutional presentation
The Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat (SAACS) is a government agency within the Ministry of Health, Wellness, Family Affairs, National Mobilisation, Human Services and Gender Relations. It is the administrative body of the Government efforts in the anti-drug activity in Saint Lucia, regionally and internationally. SAACS is guided through an advisory council mandated by cabinet and operates through the drug misuse and control act #22 of 1988. The Advisory Council comprises of representatives from the public, private and NGO sector. The Secretariat, which is the implementing arm of the Advisory Council is headed by a Director and assisted by Programme Officers and support staff. What is the objective of the SAACS? - The objective of the SAACS is to develop, monitor and coordinate an effective and supportive campaign against the Supply and Demand for illicit drugs and the reduction of the abuse of licit substances. Collectively, members of the Secretariat have a broad mandate in attending to all issues that relate to substance abuse and illicit drug trafficking. .
Direct beneficiaries
  • Others (General Population )
Target population activities
  • School (capacity building / training) teachers
Objective of the centre/ services
The Secretariat seeks to achieve its objective through: Dissemination of information to schools, communities and the general public The development and support of demand reduction programmes To function as a resource base for anti-drug and substance abuse material and information Collaborate with other agencies to advance their prevention, treatment and rehabilitation programmes Maintaining a national anti-drug awareness Advising and Implementing government policies related to substance abuse Serve as a core of all anti-drug activities within the state The Secretariat works in collaboration with law enforcement departments, Turning Point Rehabilitation centre, educational institutions, NGO’s, Drug Free clubs, Community Based and other interest organizations.
National coverage

Intervention framework

Intervention types
  • Prevention
Intervention framework for Prevention
  • School/primary education
  • School/secondary education
  • University/Tertiary education
  • Community
  • Public events
  • Family
  • Work place
  • Support
  • Coodination
  • Promotion
  • Health education
  • Training
  • Information
  • Family & socio-educational intervention
  • Personal & socio-educational intervention
  • Guidance
  • Distribution of material
  • Awareness
  • Field work / Practicum placement
  • Others (School Based Drug Free Clubs)
Description of the main activities
Central to the activities of the Secretariat is the development and effecting of an aggressive drug abuse prevention campaign. The objective of this campaign is the implementation of an action plan, focusing on control mechanisms to prevent as well as reduce drug use and abuse of both licit and illicit substances. Further there has always been a need for development of an educational component aimed at the broad spectrum of society, with the overall thrust being the promotion and adoption of healthy living, positive decision making, and the early prevention interaction at all levels of the society.

The European Commission (EC), the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy (FIIAPP), and specifically, the COPOLAD Coordination and Execution Body (ECB-COPOLAD) are not responsible in any way for the content or data collected in the Directory of Centers and Services of COPOLAD. In all cases, the information provided has been screened by the Agency responsible for drugs policies in each country. The referenced data of the Centers and Services are the sole responsibility of the institutions that provide them and, therefore, their insertion in such Directory does not reflect in any case the supporting of their positions or processes developed by each Center or Service. Likewise, these Centers or Services are not financed in any case by the COPOLAD Programme or the European Commission.