Directory of Centres and Services


La Confraternidad Ltda

Kilometro 4 Via Puerto Lopez Sector Ocoa | Villavicencio | Meta| Colombia


Contact Data


<br />Fax: +57_098_6602413


No aplica

Business hours

Horario atención para servicios ambulatorios: lunes a viernes: 8:00 am 12:00m de 2:00 pm a 6:00 pm sabados: 8:00 am a 12:00 m Servicio hospitalario 24 horas


Type of organisation
Private organization
Year of foundation
Institutional presentation
Somos una ips de carácter privada que presta servicios en salud mental, cuenta con atención ambulatoria en psiquiatría y psicología. cuenta con el servicio de hospitalizacion con 45 camas, para tratamiento de paciente psiquiatrico y farmacodependencia. contamos con los servicios habilitados y registrados ante el ministerio de la proteccion social de acuerdo a la normatividad vigente. el modelo de atención clínico (biopsicosocial-familiar) e interdisciplinario.
Direct beneficiaries
  • Experimental drug users
  • Drug users
  • Problematic drug users
  • Fromer drug users
  • Motivational groups (drug users and not drug users)
Target population activities
  • General population
Objective of the centre/ services
Brindar tratamiento de rehabilitación a pacientes con problemática en adicciones, patologías dual y psiquiatría.
National coverage
Llanos orientales y otros departamentos.

Intervention framework

Intervention types
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Social integration
  • Risk reduction
Intervention framework for Prevention
  • School/primary education
  • School/secondary education
  • University/Tertiary education
  • Community
  • Public events
  • Family
  • Work place
Intervention framework for Treatment
  • Internment/in-patient
  • Outpatient/diurnal/outpatients clinic
  • Treatment groups (relapse prevention)
Intervention framework for Social integration
  • Housing support
Intervention framework for Risk reduction
  • Interventions on prevention and health education
Description of the main activities
Se realiza un trabajo multidisciplinario con paciente y familia, para el acompañamiento permanente mientras el paciente está en proceso. ambulatorio. Se da apoyo a pacientes, familia y poblacion en general. Se realiza labor social en calle semanalmente a todo tipo de población.

The European Commission (EC), the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy (FIIAPP), and specifically, the COPOLAD Coordination and Execution Body (ECB-COPOLAD) are not responsible in any way for the content or data collected in the Directory of Centers and Services of COPOLAD. In all cases, the information provided has been screened by the Agency responsible for drugs policies in each country. The referenced data of the Centers and Services are the sole responsibility of the institutions that provide them and, therefore, their insertion in such Directory does not reflect in any case the supporting of their positions or processes developed by each Center or Service. Likewise, these Centers or Services are not financed in any case by the COPOLAD Programme or the European Commission.