


Current NPS Threats Volume II

Current NPS Threats Volume II

UNODC. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

As a new feature of UNODC's early warning system (EWA) on new psychoactive substances (NSPs), the EWA Tox portal developed in collaboration with the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) and other partners, is an innovative tool for collecting, analysing and sharing data on toxicology and harm related to the use of NSPs at the global level. The portal is designed to generate timely information on the harms and adverse health consequences associated with NSP use, based on reports of poisoning cases, including deaths. Information from the Tox Portal will help identify the most harmful NSPs as an important step in prioritizing NSPs for international review under the International Drug Control Conventions. Current NSP threat reports are published every two years and combine drug seizure data as well as drug detections in biological fluid cases to provide an overview of the NSP landscape.


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The European Commission is preparing a third phase of this programme, therefore COPOLAD will be back at the beginning of 2021.