
National Drugs Observatories

1st Meeting Working Group (WG) Design of studies to evaluate and validate scales and indicators of “Problematic Drug Use”

National Drugs Observatories

1st Meeting Working Group (WG) Design of studies to evaluate and validate scales and indicators of “Problematic Drug Use”
Start date
End Date
Santiago, Chile

The aim of the meeting is to analyse the current situation for participating countries in relation to the use of scales to measure the problematic drugs use; also to discuss on the methodology to design evaluation studies; and to designate the group of experts that will design studies and evaluate the working schedule.

Operative Dimension

C1 - National Drugs Observatories
Execution Level
Activity Types

The first meeting at an Advisory and Decision taking level of the activity 1.4 took place the 11th and 12th of October 2017 at the city of Santiago, Chile.

The general objective of Activity 1.4 is to produce the methodological designs needed by the NDO of the CELAC countries and other users to have tools to measure problematic drug consumption (general population and adolescents) that will allow generating useful information for decision making.

According to the defined methodology to accomplish the proposed objectives, the Advisory and Decision taking Level had to be established. Its task is to contribute with knowledge on the specific area and take decisions on conceptual and methodological positions as well as select experts and trace the Project evolution. This group is made up of leaders assigned by each country, representatives from EMCDDA, OID-CICAD-OAS and PAHO/WHO, the task-force of the Component, European countries of reference and invited experts when needed

Associated operational objectives

1.5 - Implement a cooperation capacity building strategy in key areas identified, with special focus on the assessment of rising trends of problematic use of specific drugs.


Participants (19 total participants): 

3 CELAC countries: Chile, Jamaica, Uruguay

2 EU countries: Cyprus, Romania


Current situation of participating countries related to the problematic of drug use was analysed as well as the moment where the methodological guidelines for the design of the evaluation studies is. Also was designated the group of experts which will design the studies and finally to evaluate the road map that will be followed furthermore.



Tested and validated, or/and updated evaluation and monitoring tools, processes and tasks, necessary to deepen the knowledge of the drugs situation in CELAC countries.
At least ten (10) NDOs of CELAC countries have participated in the processes of validating tools, and are using them.


SENDA - National Service for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug and Alcohol Consumption Chile


Institution Website
ANA - National Anti-drug Agency Romania

EU Reference country (WG)

Institution Website
NAAC - Cyprus National Addictions Authority Cyprus

EU Reference country (WG)

Institution Website
SENDA - National Service for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug and Alcohol Consumption Chile

Leader country (WG)

Institution Website
NCDA - National Council on Drug Abuse Jamaica

Leader country (WG)

Institution Website

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Related activities

  • 1.4 - Studies to evaluate and validate scales and indicators of “Problematic Drug Use" (PDU)