
National Drugs Observatories

Studies to evaluate and validate scales and indicators of “Problematic Drug Use" (PDU)

National Drugs Observatories

Studies to evaluate and validate scales and indicators of “Problematic Drug Use

This activity contributes at producing the necessary methodological designs so that the NDOs of the CELAC countries and other users may count on instruments for measuring problematic drug use in their populations (general and school-based) which allow the generation of valid information for decision-making. Throughout the development of the activity countries will:

  • Have a document that exhaustively systematises the experience of the CELAC countries and of the participating States of the EU in the use of scales, protocols and indicators to estimate problematic use and that synthesises the methodological problems and good practices found when applying it.
  • Establish a network of cooperative work with the institutional actors and researchers according to the CELAC region (Caribbean, Central America-Mexico, South America) and of the EU that work on research on the application of scales and protocols.
  • Visualise the conceptual and practical difference between use of psychoactive substances and problematic use in national, regional and local diagnoses.

Development of the activity

  • 1st Meeting Working Group (WG) Design of studies to evaluate and validate scales and indicators of “Problematic Drug Use”

    11/10/17 - 12/10/17

    Santiago, Chile

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  • 2nd Meeting Working Group (WG) Design of studies to evaluate and validate scales and indicators of “Problematic Drug Use”

    26/03/18 - 27/03/18

    Santiago, Chile

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Operative Dimension

C1 - National Drugs Observatories
Execution Level

Within the approach of South-South cooperation, the support that the CELAC countries can offer each other will be favoured, counting on the support and input by experts from the EMCDDA-EU and OID-CICAD in the development of activities.

Associated operational objectives

0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
0.2 - Have adequate baseline information to: provide specificity to the contents and the actions planned in each component; meet initial expectations of each partner in relation to its participation in COPOLAD; and facilitate the programme evaluation.
0.4 - Establish the necessary institutional contacts to avoid duplication with already developed initiatives and ensure synergies with ongoing initiatives, both within the EU and CELAC.
1.3 - Test, develop or update evaluation and monitoring tools, processes and tasks, necessary to deepen the knowledge of the drugs situation in CELAC countries with well-established NDOs.


Result/s & output/s:

  • Intermediate products: Initial study report to the countries and report on the 1st Work meeting of the Expert Group.
  • Final products:
    • Validation Designs for tests for the different populations as a result of the validation of scales.
    • Finalized a document systematising the experience of the CELAC countries and of the participating States of the EU in the use of scales, protocols and indicators to estimate problematic use and that synthesises the methodological problems and good practices found when applying it.


Tested and validated, or/and updated evaluation and monitoring tools, processes and tasks, necessary to deepen the knowledge of the drugs situation in CELAC countries.
At least ten (10) NDOs of CELAC countries have participated in the processes of validating tools, and are using them.


ANA - National Anti-drug Agency Romania

EU Reference country (WG)

Institution Website
NAAC - Cyprus National Addictions Authority Cyprus

EU Reference country (WG)

Institution Website
SENDA - National Service for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug and Alcohol Consumption Chile

Leader country (WG)

Institution Website
NCDA - National Council on Drug Abuse Jamaica

Leader country (WG)

Institution Website

Participant Institutions

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Participation for regions

Participation of countries for region


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