The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat in collaboration with COPOLAD convenes a two-day Regional Meeting for over 30 managers or senior technical officer with responsibility for drug treatment and rehabilitation services in CARIFORUM. Following this meeting, COPOLAD celebrates the 2nd Meeting Adaptation and validation of the quality and evidence-based criteria in Caribbean countries, with Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and The Bahamas, along with CICAD-OEA and PAHO / WHO. who could follow-up the countries' positions on the prior meeting as an input in order to continue with the process.
Los encuentros son la respuesta a la necesidad de estandarizar los programas de prevención y tratamiento, así como de rehabilitación y los servicios en RDD en CARIFORUM, identificado como un gap en el marco del 9th EDF CARIFORUM Cooperation Programme. Supone también un esfuerzo de cara a la maximización de sinergias en esta área a través de la colaboración entre ambas instituciones y dialogar como ambas pueden pilotar la implementación de los criterios de calidad y base en la evidencia en la provisión de servicios de RDD en estados seleccionados de CARICOM.
0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
2.1 - Assess existing needs in DDR, to define specific final contents of foreseen activities under Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries.
The aim is to introduce the countries to criteria that focus on quality and evidence-based prevention and treatment and rehabilitation interventions and evaluation of drug demand reduction programmes (DDRP).
The objectives of the Meeting are to:
WGs created have assessed existing needs in DDR, to allow the definition of specific final contents for activities in Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries
Validated –using a pilot implementation approach-, the quality criteria agreed during COPOLAD I, for programmes implemented in at least 2 areas of DDR
Endorsed the quality criteria agreed during C1 for DDR programmes and validated in COPOLAD II, in at least, 30% of participating CELAC countries
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