
Drugs Demand Reduction

1st meeting Adaptation and validation of quality and evidence-based criteria in Caribbean countries

Drugs Demand Reduction

1st meeting Adaptation and validation of quality and evidence-based criteria in Caribbean countries
Start date
End Date
Georgetown, Guyana

On the 3-4 October 2017, in the city of Georgetown, Guyana, is held the 1st meeting of the Working Group on Validation and Piloting of Criteria for Quality Accreditation of Drug Demand Reduction Programs in the Treatment and Prevention Areas in the Caribbean. This group is led by Trinidad and Tobago, who coordinates and guides the entire process in the region within the framework of the project.With this first meeting, it is hoped to be able to contribute to strengthen the institutions in this area and to improve the collective construction of a system of quality criteria for the accreditation of DDR programs according to the needs of each Caribbean country.

Operative Dimension

C2 - Drugs Demand Reduction
Execution Level

Within the framework of Component 2 "Drug Demand Reduction" (DDR) of the COPOLAD Programme, the Working Group on Validation and Piloting of Criteria for Quality Accreditation of Drug Demand Reduction Programs in the Treatment and Prevention Areas in the Caribbean has been created. This group is led by Trinidad and Tobago, who coordinates and guides the entire process in the region within the framework of the project.

In order to carry out this process, a linguistic revision and adaptation of contents will be carried out, adding or deleting criteria, according to the reality and context of the Caribbean. It is expected to be able to contribute to strengthen the institutions in this area and to improve the collective construction of a system of quality criteria for the accreditation of DDR programs according to the needs of each Caribbean country.

Experts from Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, The Bahamas, Jamaica are participating. In addition, professionals from CARICOM and our multilateral partner agencies: CICAD / OAS and PAHO / WHO participate, as they are presenting the treatment standards and criteria already used.

Associated operational objectives

0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
2.1 - Assess existing needs in DDR, to define specific final contents of foreseen activities under Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries.
2.2 - Facilitate the validation and endorsement of quality criteria agreed during C1, for programmes implemented in: prevention; treatment, harm reduction; and social (re)integration/ rehabilitation.


WGs created have assessed existing needs in DDR, to allow the definition of specific final contents for activities in Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries
Validated –using a pilot implementation approach-, the quality criteria agreed during COPOLAD I, for programmes implemented in at least 2 areas of DDR
Endorsed the quality criteria agreed during C1 for DDR programmes and validated in COPOLAD II, in at least, 30% of participating CELAC countries


NDC - National Drug Council Trinidad and Tobago


Institution Website
PAHO/WHO - Pan American Health Organization Supranational


Institution Website
CICAD/OAS - Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission Supranational


Institution Website

Participant Institutions

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Participation for regions

Participation of countries for region


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  • PAHO "Guyana - Validación de criterios de calidad y basados en evidencia para programas de prevención"


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