
National Drugs Observatories

Mapping the situation on NDOs: Follow-up/Baseline study

National Drugs Observatories

Mapping the situation on NDOs: Follow-up/Baseline study

A first baseline study (2011) pointed out several fragilities affecting the capacity of a majority of Latin American countries for gathering and reporting quality information relevant for policy-making. This second study will identify the current situation and needs of NDOs. Permitting the definition of operational aspects for this Component, especially to adjust activities to the different groups of countries, for establishing and/or reinforcing the role of NDOs in CELAC countries. 

Operative Dimension

C1 - National Drugs Observatories
Execution Level
Activity Types

Study led by the National Observatories of Argentina and Uruguay

Response rate: Over 33 CELAC countries, 29 completed the questionnaire (88 per cent). These countries showed a good disposition and responsibility in completing the questionnaire. An intense, proactive follow-up of focal points allowed us to achieve such a high response rate in a very short period of time

This study has served to describe the current situation and needs of the NDOs in the 33 CELAC countries. This allows defining the operative aspects of this component, particularly for the adjustment of activities to the different groups of countries, with the aim to establish or strengthen the role of NDOs in the countries of the region. The study provides relevant data on:

  • The follow-up of the situation of NDOs in the countries under study in 2011 (resources available to carry out their tasks, adoption of sustainable information systems and information needs), identification of advancements and opportunities for improvement.
  • The current situation of NDOs of CELAC countries, not included at that time (Latin-American countries that did not respond in 2011 and Caribbean countries, a region incorporated to COPOLAD II).
  • The diagnostic about the current capacity of collection and dissemination of information of the CELAC countries. This way, the study will allow the organisation of working groups (WG) to approach and adapt the activities to the priorities of the subgroup of countries.

Associated operational objectives

0.2 - Have adequate baseline information to: provide specificity to the contents and the actions planned in each component; meet initial expectations of each partner in relation to its participation in COPOLAD; and facilitate the programme evaluation.
1.1 - Study and assess changes from C1 on the existing needs, to define specific final contents of foreseen activities under Component 1; adjusting them to different groups of countries, in order to establish and/or reinforce the role of National Drugs Observatories in CELAC countries


The study was finalized in March 2016. A first baseline study (2011-12) pointed out several fragilities affecting the capacity of a majority of Latin American countries for gathering and reporting quality information relevant for policy-making. This second study has identified the current situation and needs of NDOs permitting the definition of operational aspects for this Component, especially to adjust activities to the different groups of countries, to establish and/or reinforce the role of NDOs in CELAC countries.

  • Editorial revision of final texts for both versions: Spanish and English.
  • Design and layout.
  • Edition of the final report of the study in both, paper and on-line support versions: Spanish and English.
  • Presentation and initial dissemination of the paper supported publication at the 2nd Annual meeting of observatories (see act. 1.8.2.).


Finished a baseline study assessing changes from C1 on the existing needs, to define specific final contents of foreseen activities under Component 1; adjusting them to different groups of countries, in order to establish and/or reinforce the role of National Drugs Observatories in CELAC countries


SEDRONAR - Secretariat of Comprehensive Policies on Drugs of the Argentine Nation Argentina


Institution Website
JND - National Drug Board Uruguay


Institution Website

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