This meeting aims to review the available evidence in the area of criminal reforms related to drug offences and facilitate the exchange of information and to identify encouraging experiences in EU and CELAC and the common trends in the drug-related criminal laws for both regions.
A total of 121 people have participated: 98 representatives of 36 countries and 7 organizations / institutions, 17 experts from 14 different countries and 6 member of the ECB (Executive and Coordination Body).
This meeting was convened with the purpose of reviewing the available evidence in the field of criminal reforms related to drug-related offences, in order to facilitate the exchange of information, the identification of promising experiences and the sharing of lessons learned, from all fields which have to coordinate efforts in implementing alternative programmes to prison: agents with experience in educational and assistance programs in the intra- and extra-penitentiary field; socio-sanitary services, specialized care, social insertion services, general social services or specialized primary care; as well as representatives of the judiciary system, drug treatment courts, magistrates, public prosecutor's offices, specialized public prosecutor's offices, public defendants (for either adult or juvenile population) and representatives of the enforcement of criminal sentences in adolescent criminal responsibility.
According to the multidisciplinary character of this programmes, this bi-regional exchange of experiences was merged with activity 3.4.1. of Component 3, inviting representatives of both fields in each participating country. This synergy was the basis for convening the 1st Bi-regional Meeting for the exchange of best practices in DDR combined with DSR
2.1 - Assess existing needs in DDR, to define specific final contents of foreseen activities under Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries.
2.4 - Promote the identification and exchange of best practices for populations at risk of social exclusion (selective and indicated prevention), paying special attention to teens threatened by contexts of crime and violence; or other populations at risk.
3.4 - Deliver a demand-driven capacity building strategy and exchange of best practices in the field of DSR, including key issues such as alternatives to prison, money laundering and cocaine trafficking routes, which can complement and increase the coverage of other projects supported by the EU and other multilateral Agencies.
A high percentage, the 74% of participants, has filled the questionnaire and answered the questions posed. 5 out of 10 has answered the qualitative questions.
Taking into account all questions, and as seen in the table below, the 84% of the evaluators has rated the meeting between 7 and 10, being the highest percentage, 57%, for the highest scores (9-10)
The average overall score was 8.8, with the questions related to organization, meeting expectations and opportunities for the exchange of experiences during the Meeting having the highest scores.
Identified and exchanged among all participating countries of, at least, 10 best practices for populations at risk of social exclusion (selective and indicated prevention), paying special attention to teens threatened by contexts of crime and violence; or other populations at risk.
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