

1st meeting for the validation of quality and evidence-based advanced criteria for treatment and harm reduction programmes

Drugs Demand Reduction

1st meeting for the validation of quality and evidence-based advanced criteria for treatment and harm reduction programmes
Start date
End Date
Santiago de Chile

First meeting for the two working groups on basic quality standard validation and advanced treatment and harm reduction for Latin America was celebrated the 28th – 30th of march 2017 in Santiago (Chile).

This activity is leaded by Chile through its National on Drug Agency, National Service for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug and Alcohol Consumption (SENDA). It had the participation of specialist on drugs demand reduction from 15 Latin American countries as well as a representation form the bioregional network RIOD. At the same time PAHO/WHO played an active management role in the process together with CICAD/OAS.

The aim of the meeting was to start the validation process of the quality standards at the basic and advanced level in treatment and harm reduction. Fifteen Latin-American countries had stated interest in a cooperation mechanism South-South and already reached agreements during the first stage of COPOLAD Program (2011-2015).

Along the validation process two international meetings are foreseeing for each group of standards, basic and advanced ones. The first meeting will allow to coordinate the implementation of the project and its actions to make a first pilot.

Second meeting will allow evaluation and final agreement of the criteria for the countries as well as the definition of the strategies to implement those standards in each countries’ National Evaluation System.

Operative Dimension

C2 - Drugs Demand Reduction
Execution Level
Associated operational objectives

2.2 - Facilitate the validation and endorsement of quality criteria agreed during C1, for programmes implemented in: prevention; treatment, harm reduction; and social (re)integration/ rehabilitation.


WGs created have assessed existing needs in DDR, to allow the definition of specific final contents for activities in Component 2, adjusting them according to different groups of countries.
Validated –using a pilot implementation approach-, the quality criteria agreed during COPOLAD I, for programmes implemented in at least 2 areas of DDR
Endorsed the quality criteria agreed during C1 for DDR programmes and validated in COPOLAD II, in at least, 30% of participating CELAC countries

Participant Institutions

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Participation for regions

Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Latin America: 7 (58,3%)Supranational: 3 (25,0%)Contract Part: 2 (16,7%)

Participation of countries for region

Created with Highcharts 4.1.5Latin America: 7 (100,0%)


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