
National Drugs Observatories

Capacity-building for the elaboration of first country reports

National Drugs Observatories

Capacity-building for the elaboration of first country reports

Activity addressed to countries willing to produce their 1st country report, needed to outline the general situation in relation to drugs in their country, and provide an initial base for decision-making and follow-up.

Development of the activity

  • 1st Meeting of the Coordination and Advisory Levels of Working Group (WG) Enhancing the capacity of NDOs, to elaborate and disseminate a Country Report on drugs

    04/07/17 - 05/07/17

    San José, Costa Rica

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  • 2nd Meeting of the Coordination and Advisory Levels of Working group (WG) Enhancing the capacity of NDOs, to elaborate and disseminate a Country Report on drugs

    16/11/17 - 17/11/17

    Lisboa, Portugal

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  • 3rd Meeting of the Coordination and Advisory Levels of Working group (WG) Enhancing the capacity of NDOs, to elaborate and disseminate a Country Report on drugs

    04/06/18 - 05/06/18

    Panama City, Panama

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  • 4th Meeting of the Coordination and Advisory Levels of Working group (WG) Enhancing the capacity of NDOs, to elaborate and disseminate a Country Report on drugs

    25/03/19 - 29/03/19

    Prague, Czech Republic

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Operative Dimension

C1 - National Drugs Observatories
Execution Level
Activity Types

Within the notion of South-South cooperation, the support that the CELAC countries can offer each other is favoured, counting on the support and input by experts from the EMCDDA and OID-CICAD/OAS in the development of activities.

Associated operational objectives

0.1 - Establish the necessary operational bases to ensure the quality and coherence of the work to be performed and the necessary coordination and participation of all partners.
0.2 - Have adequate baseline information to: provide specificity to the contents and the actions planned in each component; meet initial expectations of each partner in relation to its participation in COPOLAD; and facilitate the programme evaluation.
1.4 - Implement a sustainable bi-regional cooperation capacity building strategy focused on enhancing the reporting capacity of NDOs being in an early stage of development.
1.5 - Implement a cooperation capacity building strategy in key areas identified, with special focus on the assessment of rising trends of problematic use of specific drugs.
1.6 - Continue to develop training opportunities focused in building capacities for strategic planning and the use of monitoring methods and tools, which can be mutually complementary.


Intermediate products:

  • Reports from each meeting of the WG
  • First draft of guidelines for drafting a National Report on drugs (second year).
  • Edition of guidelines for drafting a National Report on drugs (third year).

Final products:

  • Guidelines for drafting a National Report on drugs edited, widely distributed among all 33 beneficiary countries, and accessible at the web page of COPOLAD.
  • Number of National Reports finalized in participating countries.


Implemented a sustainable bi-regional cooperation capacity building strategy focused on enhancing the reporting capacity of NDOs being in an early stage of development.
At least ten (10) NDOs of CELAC countries have improved their reporting capacity in mapping new problematic use and/or new threats related with drugs.

Participant Institutions

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Participation for regions

Participation of countries for region


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  • Dominican Drug Observatory of CND to be reactivated
  • Reactioning Addictions
  • Government of Guatemala Launches New National Policy for Addressing and Preventing Drug Use

Open access documents

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