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Working procedures

Working procedures

The Working Procedures for the EU-CELAC Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism on Drugs, were adopted at the XI High-Level Meeting of the Mechanism in Quito (May 2009).

The role of the co-presidencies of the Mechanism is very important. In the case of the EU, it rotates every six months corresponding to the country that has the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As for the CELAC region, the co-presidency rotates annually and the chosen country is normally officially announced at the High-Level Meetings.

The Mechanism works on two levels:

  • On a political level of High-Level Officials competent in the field of drugs, who have annual meetings at the head office of one of the cities that share de co-presidency. All decisions and agreements are adopted by consensus.
  • On a technical level with the existence of a Technical Committee that has been functioning in Brussels and meets twice a year, unless circumstances call for additional meetings. It is composed by EU and CELAC representatives competent in this field, and the European Commission.