Drugs Demand Reduction
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat in collaboration with COPOLAD convenes a two-day Regional Meeting for over 30 managers or senior technical officer with responsibility for drug treatment and rehabilitation services in CARIFORUM. Following this meeting, COPOLAD celebrates the 2nd Meeting Adaptation and validation of the quality and evidence-based criteria in Caribbean countries, with Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and The Bahamas, along with CICAD-OEA and PAHO / WHO. who could follow-up the countries' positions on the prior meeting as an input in order to continue with the process.
Drugs Supply Reduction
The meeting aims to promote information exchange and best practices to identify and counteract maritime and air cocaine routes, enabling to analyse and reflect the most significant aspects associated with police investigation methodologies on cocaine trafficking.
National Drugs Observatories
Second meeting of the experts' group, representatives of the leader countries at the English and Spanish speaking groups, the OID-CICAD-OAS, the EMCDDA and other experts specially invited, for checking the progress made so far regarding the design of the assessment reports. The methodological aspects and the future timeline are also discussed.
Crosscutting issues
COPOLAD, in the framework of the 61st Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND-UNODC), will hold a side event on South-South cooperation supported by the European Commission, including the adoption of evidence-based responses in the field of drugs policies. Among other objectives, this includes supporting the implementation of Early Warning Systems (EWS) to identify new threats related to drugs. It also covers the support of countries of the CELAC region committed to making significant progress in the implementation of Alternative Development strategies. In this framework, COPOLAD presents this some success stories in both fields, emphasising the opportunities opened by some peer to peer cooperation exercises under development.
Drugs Supply Reduction
The objective of the third COPOLAD Intra-Regional Dialogue Forum, taking place on 27 February and 1 March 2018, in Lima, Peru, is to conclude the different work streams under the framework of the sub-component of Alternative Development (AD). Specifically, the objective is to provide opportunities to learn and exchange about recent best practices and innovations of alternative development (AD) regarding inclusive and sustainable value chain development, and considering their value and use for recently establishing, broader development initiatives in the context of drug policy in the region.
The European Commission is preparing a third phase of this programme, therefore COPOLAD will be back at the beginning of 2021.