The objective of this activity is to promote regional networks and strengthen the roles of the participants. To this end, the exchange of experiences and communication in the exchange of maritime data relating to cocaine trafficking through case studies will be encouraged.
0.3 - Ensure visibility of COPOLAD and its activities and disseminate the contents in the main political and professional forums in the field of drug policies to be held both internationally and in CELAC.
3.4 - Deliver a demand-driven capacity building strategy and exchange of best practices in the field of DSR, including key issues such as alternatives to prison, money laundering and cocaine trafficking routes, which can complement and increase the coverage of other projects supported by the EU and other multilateral Agencies.
3.5 - Enhance information and intelligence-sharing initiatives by fostering direct contact between the different actors involved in this field (e.g. law enforcement authorities, specialized public prosecutors, etc.).
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Vienna, Austria
New York, United States of America
Bruselas, Belgium
Lisboa, Portugal
31/10/16 - 04/11/16
Nassau, Bahamas
01/02/17 - 02/02/17
Bogotá, Colombia
Ciudad de México, Mexico
07/03/17 - 08/03/17
Miami, United States of América
Vienna, Austria
21/08/17 - 24/08/17
Santiago, Chile
Lisboa, Portugal
16/01/18 - 18/01/18
Panama City, Panama
29/01/18 - 02/02/18
Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis
Vienna, Austria
06/05/18 - 09/05/18
Madrid, Spain
15/05/18 - 17/05/18
Brasília, Brazil
Lima, Peru
06/06/18 - 08/06/18
Lima, Peru
24/07/18 - 25/08/18
Santiago, Chile
07/08/18 - 09/08/18
La Antigua, Guatemala
08/10/18 - 10/10/18
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
05/11/18 - 07/11/18
Querétaro, Mexico
23/01/19 - 24/01/19
11/03/19 - 15/03/19
La Habana, Cuba
Vienna, Austria
21/05/19 - 24/05/19
Brasilia, Brazil
27/05/19 - 31/05/19
Montevideo, Uruguay
25/06/19 - 27/05/19
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
01/07/19 - 05/07/19
Vienna, Austria
23/10/19 - 25/10/19
Lisbon, Portugal
25/11/19 - 29/11/19
Brussels, Belgium
27/01/20 - 29/01/20
Washington D.C. , United States of America
Brussels, Belgium
12/02/20 - 13/02/20
Brussels, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium